
Staff Writer

Staff Writer

We are a team of creative wordsmiths dedicated to crafting entertaining narratives and informative content. With diverse backgrounds and expertise in health, we collaborate seamlessly to deliver engaging stories across various genres and subjects for your reading pleasure.
David Fernández
Almost Financially Independent 30-something who is willing to share how I was able to save money and follow my passions. Thanks to my investments, today I am a digital nomad. I travel the world teaching courses on financial independence. I also write financial, travel, and lifestyle content for trusted publishers.
Suzie Roberts
Suzie has a background in human resources, staffing, recruiting, and mentoring. She has over 12-years direct experience as a recruiter. Suzie loves helping others find their dream jobs by helping to demystify the job search process.
Amelia Parker
Amelia is a versatile writer who specializes in travel and lifestyle topics. With a passion for exploring new destinations, she crafts engaging articles that transport readers to exotic locations. When not typing away at her keyboard, Amelia enjoys trying out new recipes, hiking in nature, and documenting her adventures through photography.
Benjamin Hayes
Benjamin Hayes is a knowledgeable finance writer who simplifies complex financial concepts for readers. With a background in economics and investment analysis, he provides valuable insights on personal finance, budgeting, and investment strategies. When he’s not writing or exploring opportunities for passive income, he enjoys spending time with his two dogs Roger and Milo.
Noah Patel

Noah Patel

Noah Patel is a multifaceted writer who covers a wide range of topics, from travel to finance. With a strong research background, he crafts informative articles that provide valuable insights to readers. Noah’s love for literature and storytelling fuels his writing endeavors, and he enjoys spending his free time reading classic novels and exploring different genres.