How Do Online Nursing Schools Work?

How Do Online Nursing Schools Work?
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The concept of earning your nursing degree online may seem too good to be true. After all, you could receive an education from the comfort of your home — with all the flexibility you could possibly want from an educational institution. The good news is that online nursing schools have gained major traction in recent years, and it is entirely possible to successfully earn your nursing degree through one of these programs. Read on to learn more about how online nursing schools work if you’re considering this route to earning your nursing degree.

Equipment You’ll Need

Generally, you’ll need a reliable computer and internet connection to attend online nursing school. Your computer should be running a relatively new version of Windows or Mac OS, and it should have enough memory and space to support your school’s educational apps and software, such as those related to videoconferencing.

Your nursing school should provide you with the exact computer requirements you’ll need to meet in order to use its program and access its educational materials. If you don’t have a computer, ask your online nursing school whether it has a computer loan program available or if it can refer you to a retailer that offers refurbished or discounted computers for nursing students.

How Long It Takes

The length of time it’ll take to earn your nursing degree depends on the type of degree you’re pursuing and whether the school allows you to go at your own pace. If you can learn at your own pace, you may be able to earn your degree slightly faster than the school’s projected completion timeline anticipates.

Generally, though, it’ll take you the same length of time to earn an online degree as it does to earn a degree on campus. You may earn an associate degree in two years or less, a bachelor’s degree in four years or less, and a master’s degree in three years or less.

The Online Learning Process

Every online nursing school has its own unique learning processes and formats. Some schools offer synchronous learning, which is learning that happens in real time through a livestream or channel. This type of format will require you to log in at specific times to listen to instructors and participate in activities.

Other online nursing schools offer asynchronous learning, which allows you to learn at your own pace on your own time. Lectures and lessons are usually pre-recorded. Asynchronous learning is extremely flexible and may benefit you more than synchronous learning if you have a busy schedule that prevents you from being able to log in at specific times every day.

Getting Extra Help and Support

If you have questions about a certain lesson or topic or need help understanding certain concepts, you may be pleased to know that online nursing schools typically offer the same level of support as on-campus programs. In many cases, you can fill out a form to request a live chat session or video conference with an instructor or communicate through email correspondence. Ask potential nursing schools about your options for help and support before enrolling in a program.

Hands-On Training

As a nursing student, you need hands-on, in-person training to learn how to do certain tasks, such as drawing blood and inserting a catheter. Though you may spend the majority of your time learning online, you may still be required to visit a campus periodically for hands-on training.

Some online nursing schools may require you to visit a campus a few times a week or at times that are convenient for you based on your schedule. Other schools will not require you to visit a campus at all. Ask prospective online nursing schools about how often you are expected to visit a campus so you can plan to fulfill those obligations.

Like many other schools and educational programs, online nursing schools will provide you with a curriculum and list of expectations that you can review far in advance. This can help you prepare for what to expect, especially if on-campus visits are required. The staff behind online nursing schools will guide you through every step of their programs so you can successfully earn your degree and advance toward your desired nursing career.

Resource Links

  1. “Can You Really Get a Nursing Degree Online?” via Ohio State University
  2. “​​6 Things to Know About Online Nursing Programs” via Elmhurst University
  3. “How Online Nursing Programs Work” via NurseJournal